
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Paper 1

1. Show ……working………….. for questions with 2 or more marks.
2. Copy the formula ………correctly………….……
3. Transfer answer from the working space to the answer space…carefully.………..
4. Write only……one….. answer in the answer space ( except when ask for more)
5. The final answer, if round off is needed, must be at least
………4 sig. fig.……. or as…stated….. by the question.
6. Attempt every question. If you do not know the answer you may still obtained
……B…….. marks for working.

Marking …
• Marks will be given to the correct final answer, regardless of the working.
• The final answer is the answer written in the answer space.
• If the answers space is empty, the last working in the
• space provided will be taken as the final answer.
• If two non equivalent answers are written in the answer space, the
• wrong answer will be chosen as the final answer.
• For an incorrect answer, B mark will be given for the correct
• working.

[4 marks] .... B3...B2..B1
[3 marks] .....B2...B1
[2 marks] .....B1
[1 marks].... no B marks

Paper 2

1. Show ………all working……… clearly.
2. Substitute ……. values into formula.
3. The final answer that is rounded off should be at least……4 sig. fig………………….
4. The final answer must be in the ……simplest…………form.
5. Do not…..round off………. too early in the solution.
6. Build a………table…………. to draw a graph.
7. Do you need to build table to sketch a graph?……No………..
8. For sketching, marks are given to the correct …shape…and …3 points… are seen.
9. The least decimal places required in a table is……3……………
10. Use ruler to sketch or draw a……straight line graph…………
11. Check answer using other method or use……calculator..….
12. Use calculator to check on:
i. Quadratic equation : Factorisation / to find the roots.
ii. Simultaneous equations: ……between linear and linear equation……….
iii. Differentiation : ………find dy/dx when x = a………I…………
iv. Integration :…to find definite integral……………………………
v. Statistics: ……to get mean, standard deviation, and variance ……
13. Always………remember…………the time frame. Do not spend more than …15…. minutes
to answer a question with 10 marks.
Marking …
The working will be checked first...
The accepted final answers will depend on the working.
K marks will be given for methods and N marks for correct final answer.

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